What Interests Me



What interests me the most is basketball. Basketball is my favorite thing to do and it’s so much fun. It interests me the most because it involves exercise, teamwork, and even friends. I think you should like basketball too. Also, I’m interested into WATCHING basketball. It’s really fun to watch pro basketball players play hard for a win.

My Language Arts Comic – Antlers

This is my comic on the Greek wisdom tale; Antlers. I loved this story and the moral was a really good one. The moral is nothing is useless. When I was choosing which tale I should make a comic about, it was not hard as Antlers popped right into my mind. This story is about a moose who had gorgeous antlers but he hated his skinny and twisted legs. He wished he had different legs until one day, which changed his life. The moose was being hunted, the hunter tried to shoot the moose and while the moose was running for his life, his quote on quote beautiful, gorgeous antlers got stuck up in a tree. Just as he thought he was a gonner, his skinny twisted legs were fast enough to get unstuck, and away from the evil hunter. He learned from then on that nothing is useless. And that people is why nothing is useless. I hope you loved this story as much as I did. And I also hope you liked my comic. 🙂


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